Polski Hip Hop

Rap Session 2 – #DIVERSITY (Erasmus+)

Rap Session 2 – #DIVERSITY (Erasmus+)

Utwór „#diversity” powstał w ramach projektu „Rap Session 2” finansowanego w ramach Programu Erasmus+. Wymiana młodzieżowa miała miejsce w Polsce w dniach 28/02-07/03/2023. Wzięło w niej udział 45 osób z Polski i Estonii.
Organizacje partnerskie: Fundacja Wspierania Potencjału Lokalnego oraz KUNDA SOTSIAAL- JA TERVISEKESKUS MTÜ
Ten film odzwierciedla poglądy tylko autorów.
Komisja Europejska, ani żadna osoba działająca w jej imieniu, nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść i sposób wykorzystania zamieszczonych w tym materiale informacji.

Teks/artyści: poniżej
1. Jeogourt
2. „SPOTLIGHT” Prod. By Nevo
Mix/Master Michos Lose Mind Studio
Wideo: Alex Kwoka, Mateusz Piątkiewicz
Wsparcie studyjne: Alien BSC

The song „#diversity” was created as part of the „Rap Session 2” project financed by the Erasmus + Program. The youth exchange took place in Poland on 28/02-07/03/2023. 45 people from Poland and Estonia took part in it.
Partner organisations: Fundacja Wspierania Potencjału Lokalnego and KUNDA SOTSIAAL- JA TERVISEKESKUS MTÜ
This video reflects the views of the authors only.
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the content and use of the information contained in this material.

Text/artists: below
1. Jeogourt
2. „SPOTLIGHT” Prod. By Nevo
Mix / Master MICHOS Lose Mind Studio
Video: Alex Kwoka, Mateusz Piątkiewicz
Studio support: Alien BSC

Even when we’re different we are all the same
Bro don’t let your disease orientation condition or skin colour because it doesn’t matter how u look more of what u have in you if you love your mother better tell it to her right now because not everyone is perfect and cannot always deal with things
So perform an action
Homie let’s shout together

We are different in everything and it is not worth judging who is there with whom and by what.
While you look askance at ordinary people, your bro loves the Lord more and more.
Try to find that sacred, through pain and resentment, let the heart open – the doors of possible things from ideas about the difference in personality in the world of people.

ecology is a little bigger topic you can talk about it doesn’t matter from a chimpanzee to a neanderthal man I’m like an alien I’m like a soothsayer

All we are humans, and all of us are making mistakes.
Betray, kill, lie and pollute.
The earth forgives us and allows us everything.
But the man is so blind, he doesn’t understand anything.

Homie, you’re wearing a suit while I’m rockin’ in a baggy.
One is bald, other bragging like Shaggy.
Many people will tell you that you won’t make it.
They won’t spit it out without their father, Louis’n’Prada

at least once you think not only about yourself, everything will come back to you like a reverse boomerang, you need to correct mistakes, give her a chance to survive she is so good

Every each of us is different,
beautiful in its own way,
everyone has a language and speaks a different one,
So let’s all love each other

everyone’s different it’s normal
humanity is beauty maximum
diversity of all races
concerns all of us.
Come on, we’ll all change the world
together it will be easier for us

Odsłon:287 Like: 18 Dislike:

Materiał Video Od: ALIEN BUBAS

Alien,Bubas,Real Hyyp Haap,alien bubas

Źródło materiału by ALIEN BUBAS
Data Utworzenia: 2023-04-30 18:27:05


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