Polski Hip Hop

L.U.C. DJ Q-Bert Decks Eprom ES.CE Alex Hahn & Rebel Babel Ensemble – Dialog 3 – Roaring '2022 Live

L.U.C. DJ Q-Bert Decks Eprom ES.CE Alex Hahn & Rebel Babel Ensemble – Dialog 3 – Roaring '2022 Live

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New instrumental album Rebel Babel Ensemble – Dialog 3 soon.

In partnership with the New Orleans Jazz Museum, Rebel Babel Ensemble has created Dialog 3, a globetrotting video capturing performances by various beat makers and jazz musicians in Europe and the U.S. remixing the music of award-winning Polish composers from 20’s and 30’s. Look for an international, transatlantic Dialog 3 LP album with many of these artists due out in the first quarter of 2022.

Rebel Babel Ensemble, an international brass band orchestra led by Founder and Conductor Łukasz (aka L.U.C.) Rostkowski, boasts 11,000 (ever growing) international members. Together with New Orleans Jazz Museum, they have brought together over a dozen producers, DJs and musicians who have incorporated important works of selected Polish composers from the interwar period (1918 and 1939). Throughout the video, viewers will hear fragments of songs by Hanka Ordonówna, Marian Demar, Henryk Wars, Mieczysław Fogg, and Emanuel Szlachter in new hip-hop and chill-hop versions. The project was co-produced with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.

A traveling concert touching down on different parts of the world beautifully captures each of the musicians in their local environment. Guest artists include DJ Qbert, Alex Hahn, Matthew Ring, Tomas Wischerath (Habitaat), Chase Huna, DJ Eprom, ES.CE, Adam Theis, Kevin Louis, Alf Alpha, DJ Decks, Mateusz Pospieszalski, Estefania Tapia, Geoffrey McManus, and L.U.C. as conductor. Locations in the U.S. included New Orleans, San Francisco, Big Sur, Coachella Valley, and Los Angeles.

L.U.C. explains, “I have an impression of a certain resemblance of the present to the ‘20s of the last century. Not only because of crazy inflation but also due to an overwhelming number of inventions, a change in the perception of reality: then through the new art form of cinema and today through the Internet, bitcoins, and virtual reality. Both eras see huge socio-economic changes, great anxiety, and a burning desire for escape, all in the specter of crisis and wars. At this moment, we want to recall the role of a peaceful dialogue between cultures. With our international concerts, we want to remind people that humanity is one orchestra that plays together in a small, lonely philharmonic hall, which is the Earth. One Planet, One Love, One Ensemble.

DJ Q-Bert
Rafael Lopez – Alf Alpha
Tomas Wischerath – Habitaat
DJ Eprom
DJ Decks

Adam Theis & JazzMafia
Matthew Ring
Kevin Louis
Alex Hahn
Estefania Tapia, Geoffrey McManus from „Heatwave Show Band”
Chase Huna
Mateusz Pospieszalski

Ian Cush
Adam Theis
Mike Bell
Arkadiusz Leśniewski (Arecki)
Johnathan Zhu
Grant Ingram & Joseph Makkos

Denis Grzechnik & L.U.C.

Natalia Podsiadła
Maja Wojnarska
Łukasz L.U.C. Rostkowski

Ewa Blecharczyk & New Orleans Jazz Museum
Instytut Adama Mickiewicza

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Materiał Video Od: L.U.C.Films


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Data Utworzenia: 2021-12-20 14:00:11


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  1. W dobie mainstreamu, promowania gowna, lansowania kobiet lekkich obyczajów na swego rodzaju wzorce, politycznych przewrotów organizowanych pod przykrywką "pomocy" Twoja muzyka jest czymś prawdziwym, rzekłbym szlachetnym(biorąc pod uwagę fakt angażowania muzyków z najdalszych zakątków Polski jak i swiata)
    Zatem nie oczekujmy tutaj milionów wyświetleń, lepiej aby ta muzyka trafiała do mniejszej grupy, ale grupy świadomych słuchaczy, którzy dobrze wiedzą czego tutaj szukają I to znajdują, mógłbym tak pisać godzinami(tym bardziej w akompaniamencie tego utworu)

  2. Cieszy (w dobie "rapera" z Maka), że ktoś pamięta o wysyblimowanych słuchaczach. Piękny kawał muzycznej roboty. P.S. Dawno nie widziałem DJ Decksa, DJ Quberta. Dzięki L.U.C.

  3. It was an honor being apart of this project. Much love to all the musicians and people that helped make this possible.

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